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Sometimes the best answers come from someone with first-hand experience. If you would like to know what it's like to have a child at 边境上大学 or if you have questions about anything from uniforms to homesickness, 为什么不问问我们的父母呢! 他们很乐意用多种语言回答你的问题.


  • 问李丽菊

    12年级的托尼和7年级的雷蒙德的母亲, China

    “在我大儿子上学的那些年里, I felt deeply that they were trying hard to educate students to be healthy, 聪明正直, 而这正是我希望我的孩子成为的人. 我对这里的学习环境也很满意, 学校一直提供的个人成长和领导力, 因为我的孩子们从中受益良多. "



  • 问问Gerald Kogler

    Max的父亲,11年级, Austria

    "Max was hoping to pursue his ice hockey career in North America and be able to combine the sport with a good academic education. 从我们和体育菠菜大平台联系的那一刻起, 很明显,这是马克斯的首选. 当我们终于参观了校园,见到了老师, 招生和教练, we were absolutely convinced that 边境上大学 would be the right place. After the first few months, we can only stress that choice was fantastic."



  • 问问凯瑟琳·史密斯

    Mother of Quinn (Grade 12 prefect), Walker (Grade 10) and Holden (Grade 8), Canada

    “体育菠菜大平台是一个非常特别的地方. 我们的女儿奎因是学校10年级和11年级的寄宿生. 边境上大学 has given her unique experiences and academic excellence second to none. 想给我们的两个儿子同样难以置信的机会, we decided to move our entire family from British Columbia to reside here."



  • 问问Marisol Xolalpa

    Tere的母亲,2023届,Marisol, 2019届,墨西哥

    "Being part of the Spartan community has been a positive experience for our daughters. 他们是在安全的环境中长大的, 尊重, and magical place that allowed them to be themselves and learn great values in discipline. It is a very professional environment with a high academic level of education. 斯坦斯特德大学是我们一生中最明智的决定之一."



  • 问问安伯利


    "I talk to my daughter most days and she always sounds so happy and engaged in every aspect of her day. She's commented on how supported she feels by her teachers and peers alike. 'It's like everyone is rooting for you to succeed every day,' she says. While I miss her terribly when she's away, I know Stanstead was the right decision!"



  • 问问安妮·圣乔治吧

    罗斯玛丽的母亲,2022届毕业生,马丁,2019届毕业生, Canada

    “我不能为我的孩子选择一个更好的学校. 体育菠菜大平台是学生成长的好地方, 结识来自世界各地的人,发展学术, athletic and social skills while under the supervision of highly qualified teachers."

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